
Circumstances and Solutions: How Does a Country’s Development Affect Waste Production and Waste Management?

Trash is a constant of current human existence. Many things in daily life produce waste, especially single-use items, such as plastic water bottles or candy wrappers. The average American produces 4.5 pounds of trash each day, or 1,642 pounds of trash per year, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency. Some people in different […]


Mosquitoes, Malaria, Monsoons: How Climate Disasters Bolster the Populations of Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes

With the recent abundance of major weather events, like Hurricane Helene and Oscar, people are understandably concerned about the destruction and death these events cause. They are right to be worried, especially as climate change is causing larger and more frequent major weather events. But one factor that few consider, which is a cause of […]


Boots on the Ground: How Volunteers Have Helped the Southern Resident Killer Whale From the Field

The ocean is one layer of the biosphere that is heavily affected by human-made climate change. More than half of all marine species are at risk of extinction by the next century. (How Is Climate Change Impacting the World’s Ocean?) There are many different problems, some having unimaginable scopes of issues. The Ocean Cleanup, a […]