
A Sinking City: The Rotterdam Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 

Many cities across the globe are establishing plans to combat climate change, especially those vulnerable to rising water levels or drought. Rotterdam, a coastal city in the Netherlands, released its climate initiative in 2006 with a goal of becoming “climate-proof” by 2025. With the new year right around the corner, the city seems to be […]


How The Biofuel Industry Hinges on Deforestation

Biofuel use has long been a subject of debate —it’s renewable, cheap, and widely accessible, but it emits carbon and possibly reduces the food supply while hunger is still a prominent issue across the globe. And that’s just the beginning. The biofuel industry has had a profound impact on southeastern states, such as Louisiana, Mississippi, […]


Smog: The Chokehold Gripping New Delhi

On November 1st 2019, New Delhi’s air pollution was officially declared a public health emergency, resulting in schools being closed and flights being canceled. In a city known for its alarmingly hazardous air quality, this move should have been expected; yet, it came as a shocking reminder of just how bad things were—and just how […]


Green Bonds: Investing in a Sustainable Future

The economic recession spurred by the coronavirus pandemic has given the world a unique moment of pause. While governments and companies across the world build recovery plans, investors have indicated that their focus will be on investing in a sustainable manner. Green bonds are ideal for investors who are seeking out securities that can generate […]


The Glyphosate Strategy for Cocaine: An Environmental, Economic, and Social Threat

Five years after discontinuing the practice, the Colombian government is set to resume aerial spraying of glyphosate on coca plants to confront its drug trafficking problem. Though the Colombian government is aware of the tactic’s environmental and social consequences, financial pressures from the United States oblige them to restart the fumigation, putting indigenous communities who […]


Common Energy: A Path Towards Accessible Solar Energy

Common Energy, a renewable energy startup, was established in 2017 by CEO Richard Keiser. Keiser created Common Energy to make community solar more accessible to individuals. Community solar is a relatively new form of renewable energy with a lot of potential. Households and small businesses can receive their electricity from a community solar farm for […]


The Inheritance of Loss: An Oil Spill in Mauritius Energizing Activism

Mauritius possesses a rich ecological profile, particularly when it comes to endemic species that result from the age of the island nation and its isolation and volcanic origins. High levels of species diversity have unfortunately coexisted with a history of loss, including the extinction of the dodo and lesser-known species such as the Red Rail […]


Climate Migration in California

“The Worst Fire season ever. Again.” These were the bold letters spread across the Los Angeles Times in September 2020. California has once again become an inferno as wildfires rage across the state, burning just under 4 million acres so far this year. Thousands of people have had to evacuate their homes, unsure when or […]


The “Lungs of America” are Under Attack

The Trump administration has recently finalized its decision to open the United States’ largest forest to logging and development. The Tongass National Forest in southeastern Alaska has been protected from such activity by the 2001 “Roadless Rule,” which prohibits construction and reconstruction of roads in otherwise difficult-to-access areas of the National Forest System. The law […]


Gold’s Hidden Glitter: Mercury Use in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining

When James W. Marshall first struck gold in California’s Sacramento Valley, it became a universal symbol of opportunity, wealth, and new beginnings. More than 170 years later, this sentiment still exists around the globe. According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), artisanal and small scale gold mining (ASGM) produces up to 20% of the […]