
Cruise Ships and Wastewater Pollution

In 2019, over 29.7 million people took cruise ship vacations. With such a high demand for cruises, the industry generates over $55.5 billion annually in the United States. Although the industry is an enormous economic contributor, this comes with environmental costs. The cruise ship industry is notorious for causing many different forms of environmental damage […]


Insects: The Food of the Future

The global population is expected to reach 9 billion people by 2050, and many are wondering how to feed this growing population. In order to feed 9 billion people, current food production will have to double; however, with the rising threat of climate change, the agricultural industry will have to develop more sustainable food resources. […]


Ecovillages: Residential Communities Gone Green

As the list of global environmental concerns continues to grow and many people make changes to their lifestyles, some people have taken it a step further by living in sustainable communities called ecovillages. Ecovillages are live-in communities meticulously designed to uphold the social, ecological, economical, and cultural dimensions of sustainability. There are several kinds of […]


Cannabis Cultivation and Water Shortages in California

In 2016, California voted to legalize recreational cannabis consumption for individuals 21 years and older. While medicinal cannabis had been legal for over 20 years in California, the legalization of recreational cannabis has created a new market. With the potential for new cannabis businesses, California has seen an increase in legal permits for cultivation and […]