
Denmark’s Bold, New Proposal for a Giant, Artificial Energy Island

In early 2021, Denmark announced a bold and somewhat unprecedented plan to tackle climate change by adding another innovative technology to Denmark’s renewable energy catalog: a floating energy island the size of 18 football fields 50 miles out in the North Sea. As a sector of the government’s Ministry of Climate, Energy, and Utilities, the […]


Dumpster Fire After Wildfires: Failed Environmental Policy in Australia

In the early weeks of 2020, horrifying images circulated mainstream and social media as one of the deadliest wildfires in Australian history ravaged the country’s landscape, wildlife, and citizens. 33 people were killed, around 44.5 million acres of land was destroyed, and 3 billion animals were killed or displaced, greatly affecting the expansive biodiversity of […]


China’s Unexpected, but Welcomed 2060 Carbon Neutrality Pledge

In late September 2020, China’s president Xi Jinping made a surprising announcement to the General Assembly of the United Nations: China was pledging to become carbon neutral by the year 2060. The pledge was made under the Paris Climate Agreement, which China signed in early 2016. This international agreement asked countries to issue their emission […]