
Florida Lawmakers Fail to Protect the State’s Outstanding Springs

In the state of Florida, 30 natural springs have been given the title of “Outstanding Spring.” Springs are natural vents that release groundwater from aquifers to the earth’s surface. These freshwater sources are heavily entwined in the state’s culture, tourism, and economy. However, the 2016 Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act—intended to protect the Florida […]


Seasonal Eating May Imply Less Avocado Toast, but More Environmental Benefits

Buying in-season fruits and vegetables is accessible through farmers markets, local gardens, and small grocers. However, buying out-of-season produce has increased with advancements in technology and improving the way food is grown, transported, and distributed. Fertilizers, pesticides, and unnatural growing patterns allow for food items to be purchased at any time of the year. This […]


Spiraling Like Hurricane Ian: The Cycle of Natural Disasters and Climate Change

On September 28th, 2022, Lee County of western Florida saw climate change knocking on its doors, inviting itself in, and ruining its communities. In the blink of an eye, neighborhoods, businesses, and wildlife were swept up and washed away by Hurricane Ian—an environmental catastrophe strengthened by climate change whose long-lingering damage will take decades to […]