
The Little Things: Why Individual Action Matters

In conversation, the looming spectre of climate change is often followed by a slew of suggestions: recycling, eating plant-based diets, and using less fossil fuels per person, just to name a few. These tips for “going green” on a person-by-person level, often summarized as “individual actions,” have always been a part of the climate movement. […]


Where Do Clothes Go When Thrift Stores Don’t Sell Them?

One of the major trends in the fashion industry over the last decade has been the rise of thrifting. According to a ThredUp Report, the secondhand market, which consists of clothing resale platforms, donations, and thrift stores, is expected to grow from its current value at $28 billion to $64 billion by 2024. A more […]


The Impact of Wildfires Thousands of Miles Away

States on the West Coast of the United States have been devastated by wildfires throughout summer 2020. More than 30 people have died, and tens of thousands of people have been forced to evacuate their homes. The wildfire in California was recently designated as a gigafire, which is a fire that has burned more than […]


Inside the Mind of the Sustainable Consumer

After reading a particularly compelling book or viewing a shocking documentary about the environmental impacts of daily life, some people might decide to make a drastic lifestyle change. However, these resolutions often fizzle out after mere weeks, or even days. So how is it possible that there are people who make radical lifestyle changes and […]


Why the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season Was so Severe

The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season broke numerous records and has provided 25 storms, of which 24 are named. 2020 is the second year ever to name storms after letters of the Greek alphabet, which only happens if the allocated number of names for 2020 storms is depleted. This is why, after Tropical Storm Wilfred ended […]


Corporate Control of Agriculture: The Environmental Ramifications of Big Ag

Since 2011, agricultural gag laws have been introduced in several states in order to prohibit undercover inquiries of factory farms and slaughterhouses. As whistleblowing employees and activists were conducting investigations with the intent of exposing the abuse performed by these agricultural corporations, state governments implemented gag laws to protect “well-meaning farmers” from animal rights and […]


Trees and Disease: How Climate Change Affects Public Health

Scientists around the world observe the public health consequences of human activity on the environment. The recent coronavirus pandemic has inspired a notable scientific regard in identifying the role of the environment and human activity on the spread of disease. The dominant areas of environmental investigation concern worldwide deforestation, and the loss of biodiversity among […]


How “Green” Are Electric Cars?

With the rise of the electric car, fossil-fuel alternatives for transportation have become increasingly popular. Electric cars have often been touted as a response to the climate crisis, because they do not run directly on fossil fuels. This seemingly “green” vehicle, however, comes with its own set of environmental detriments.  The electric car is not […]


Conservation Crisis: Overharvesting of the “Living Fossil”

The Atlantic horseshoe crab, limulus polyphemus, have existed for approximately 450 million years, hence its nickname of “the living fossil.” This species has survived ice ages, the separation of Pangea, and several mass extinctions, including the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs, and the Great Dying, which killed 90% of life on Earth 250 […]


Single-Use Plastics and Their Alternatives in Modern Healthcare

The emergence of single-use plastics in the mid-20th century revolutionized the fields of healthcare and medicine. This new form of technology brought about unprecedented sanitation capabilities due to its flexibility and disposability. For decades since, plastic has been selected as the primary material produced and discarded in healthcare on an international level. However, current worldwide […]